Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Muffin & Orea ♥

Hey dearies,
it was Last Saturday, went to visit iyvonne's Orea and Muffin :)

Muffin is so lazy, always sleeping

Oreo is the active one, always playful

so cute right?

Bringing them for a walk! :)

Of all places,
we went to IFOODEX in Pisa Penang.

we sneaked them in! :)
so pitiful :P

there were nothing else better to do, so we decided to take a bite!
Thai fried vege and tomyam

in the evening, we went to sunset for our dinner :)

muffin is falling asleep again! @@

they are just two months old,
iyvonne adopted them

Special Fried rice for mummy with two need kids

Seafood Fried rice

and Grilled Black Pepper Chicken for baby.

there u go!
the cute fat one asleep!

so adorable!!!

second day of bringing them home,
they are already so obedient! :) love them so


Anonymous said...

the doggy look so adorable! *squeeze*

imin said...

they really are! :)