Heard of Star Cruise Libra Before? i bet you did! :)
Went for a double date holiday to Phuket and Krabi via Star Cruise!

Huhu! so excited.
It's a 9 deck cruise with Swimming pool and casino.

Started of with a light "Tea time Chicken Wings!"

Andddd how to put on life jacket!

Took a tour in the cruise :)

anddd finally to our room!

Small small room to fit 4 of us

Tannie was extreme high, too excited for casino i guess :P

and off we go to deck 9 for welcoming buffet!

RM10 coconut water @@
They provide you good food, but drinks - they are chargeable!
Smart Business People haha

One thing i love about cruise is that
Their Service is so much better than any 5 star restaurant,
Their food is yummy yummy-er than most restaurant in Penang.

The Wind on Deck 10 was so strong, had some had time with my dress.
So warning - if you are planning to go on a cruise holiday,
Do remember not to wear light weight dress or skirt!

Too bad the sunset was blocked by the clouds :(

And we eat again.. told you! the food was yummy!